Thobela FM live streaming online from Johannesburg South Africa. Listen over 80 South African radio stations online . Enjoy the pop, Rock music 24 by 7 online.
Thobela FM Listen Live
This FM is a proud modern home of N. Sotho speaking and understanding people, representing cultural diversity by preserving rich heritage through information, education and entertainment for current and future generations . This station have footprint in Gauteng , Limpopo , Mpumalanga and North West
Thobela FM Presenters
Lindani Makwela , Moloko Mashamaite , Malesela Nukeri , Kgabo Mohlaloga , DJ Bo-eli , Mpho Moroaswi , JJ Menu , Timmy Thomas , Nkgadimeng Kekana , KVEE Mashego , Kwetepe John Matlakala , Simon Ramafalo , Herbet Sello , Bradwin Monyamane , Moleboge (Lebza Lady) Mokgoebo , thobela fm mahlakung
Thobela FM Contact Details :
Office Number: Station Manager : (015) 290 0264
Office Number: Programmes Manager : (015) 290 0074
Fax Number : (015) 290 0172
Physical Address: 19 Hospital Street , Polokwane , 0699 .
Postal Address : P.O. Box 395 , Polokwane , 0700 .
This station is streaming from Polokwane, Limpopo, South Africa.It may take 20 to 30 seconds to load the player.
Official Website : visit Website